We deliver elite dentistry with experienced clinicians through leading edge technology for personalized, painless, beautiful results.
CEREC Same Day Crowns
Our in office CEREC device combines CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology with a specialized digital camera, advanced software, and a precision milling machine allowing our experienced team to quickly create a natural looking ceramic crown in one visit.
CT Scan
CT Scans provide 3D imaging to identify and diagnose issues as well as information to accurately place implants.
Intraoral Camera
With real-time chairside imaging, the intraoral camera allows patients to see exactly what the dentist sees.
Allowing us early detection and diagnosis of cancerous tissue, this device uses luminescence technology for an in depth look at your oral tissue.
Diode Laser
Using a laser beam, we can treat teeth and tissue delivering fast and precise results.
No more holding your jaw open yourself. Isolite provides a rubber dam to comfortably keep your mouth open for treatment.
Dexis Digital X-Rays
No more painful bitewings. Digital x-rays are painless and provide crystal clear images without chemicals or increased radiation exposure.
3D Cone Beam Imaging
Cone Beam Imaging captures realistic and accurate intraoral scans, providing essential imaging intelligence for meticulous treatment planning.
Air Abrasion
Using a stream of abrasive particles, we can remove decay and bacteria for healthier teeth.
3D Printing
Creating dental appliances in office allows us to provide faster and more accurate care.
In-House Laboratory
With our technology and expertise, we are able to offer the convenience of an in-house lab so you get more precise results faster.
Safe Amalgam Removal
Cavity fillings were previously made with mercury amalgam. To prevent absorption and other problems, we safely remove the mercury amalgam and replace it with safe tooth colored fillings.
World’s Best Numbing Gel
No more painful numbing shots. With our world class numbing gel, you won’t feel a thing.
The staff is very friendly, the Dental Hygienist, Melissa, is wonderful, and the doctors are the best! They also have some very state-of-the-art equipment! You will enjoy the World-Class Customer Experience!
Jan D.
Call 972-355-9545 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.